Slacking Yogi

The Slacking Yogi

By February 5, 2014July 16th, 2014No Comments

It’s embarrassing to admit that before this week, I hadn’t done yoga in a while.  I know what some of you are thinking.  But what about this yoga studio!?  So I say to you, let’s not go there.  Let’s also not talk about the definition of “a while.”  For some people, it’s months.  For others it’s, “I know! I missed last Sunday, too!”  Let’s just say it was long enough to bring back my eye twitch (just don’t ask) and for me to have the aches and pains I thought were reserved for people in their mid 80’s.  Seriously.  I thought I had fibromyalgia.  Google it.  Once you get a taste of yoga, you’re blessed with a heightened awareness of your body.  In a way, this is also a curse because when you don’t do yoga for “a while”, you’re much more aware of the pain than someone who’s never practiced.

This week, I finally decided to let go of excuses for why I couldn’t go.  As you may have experienced first-hand, the mind is very talented at making excuses.  Even in the lobby of the yoga studio, it yelled at me, “quick! we can still get out!” But I was determined to go to class. After what seemed like a million poses (I counted), I sat in crossed legged position and focused on my breath for the first time in “a while.”  I felt a brief inner peace and lightness that I’ve only felt after a good yoga class.  It’s why I keep coming back.  Unlike most on and off relationships in life, it’s good to come back to yoga.  It won’t be mad at you for being away and it definitely wont judge you.